
Main – CrossFit

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Main WOD

Around the World (No Measure)

5 movements @ 70%
1 min each for 30 min

Competition WOD

Around the World (No Measure)

5 movements @ 70%
1 min each for 30 min


SW-A: Power Clean (6 X 1)

*Build to heaviest for the day.
**Rest 90-120 sec.

SW-B: Front Squat (6 X 2)

*Do at 30X0 tempo.
**Rest 90 sec.

SW-C: Snatch Grip RDL (1 x 20 AFAP)

RDL from snatch grip width.

SW-D: Weighted GHD Sit Up (5 x 5)

Weighted GHD sit up with bar in back rack (ideally) or with weight on chest.

SW-E: Glute-Ham Raises (3 X Maintainable Reps)

Only max reps on last set.

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