BCF Main – CrossFit
Main WOD
A: Metcon (No Measure)
3 sets not for time of
50 DU
10 box jumps
B: Metcon (Time)
4 rounds for time of
400m run
15 TTB
10 Push press 115/75
5 OH squats 115/75
Rx+ – 135/95
All TTB must be UB
Competition WOD
A: 2 position snatch (Build to 70-80% max snatch)
1 rep from above knee + 1 rep from floor
B: Snatch (Build to a heavy in 12 min)
C: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 15 of
10 power snatch
10 burpee over bar
10 C2B pull up
Snatch weight increases each round by 20# for men and ladies
Men – 95/115/135/155/175….
Ladies- 55/75/95/115/135….
Accessory Work
AA: Metcon (No Measure)
4 sets of
8/leg BSS @ 20% BW
Rest 1 min
10 Dragon flags
Rest 2 min