
Main – CrossFit

Thanks to Felicia and crew for recognizing “Coach Day”….who knew??? We are all blessed to have and be part of such an amazing community….thanks to all for your continued awesomeness….cheers!!

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Main WOD

M-1: GPP skill Not for Time (No Measure)

12 T2B

10 pistols

30 DUs

2-5 MU

3 sets

M-2: Bench Press (3 x 4 @ 80%)

M-3: Jackie (Time)

For Time:

1000m Row

50 Thrusters, 45#

30 Pull-ups

Competition WOD

C-1: Back Squat (5-3-1 ; 5-3-1 wave loading )

C-2: Front Rack Lunge (2 x 16 alt lunges @ 155/105)

C-3: Metcon (No Measure)

Row 1k @ an easy pace to recover legs

C-4: Push Jerk (3 sets max reps ; rest 2 b/t)


SW-A: (No Measure)

A – Back Squat


*If this is your first time doing this loading scheme, start at 80% and add 5-10 lbs or 2-3% each set

**If you have been doing this loading scheme, add 5 lbs each set.

***Still focus on maximal acceleration on the up portion of the lift.

B – Single Leg Deadlifts

4 x 6 Each Side

C1 – Hanging Leg Raises

5 x 5

*Add resistance with a medicine ball between your feet.

C2 – Medicine Ball Reverse Hyper

5 x 10

*Alternate b/t C1 & C2

D – GHD Raises

3 sets of max reps

Categories: WOD

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