
Beaverton Strength and Conditioning – CrossFit

Main WOD

A: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

8min AMRAP w/ a partner

P1 1 rope climb 12′

P2 1 rope climb 12′

P1/P2 – 8 feet up push ups – same time – share a bench


15′ Rope

Ring Dips
*Focus is on form/technique/quality of movement

*Number of rounds/score does not matter

B: Metcon (5 Rounds for calories)

5 Rounds each for Max Cals

8 S2OH 135/95

8 burpees

Max Cals on Bike


S2OH 155/105


1:00 of work

*Perform a round every 4 minutes

MyZone: RED!
*Unbroken sets

Accessory Work

Snatch 21s (Light and fast – reps as follows)

Start cycle at 40% max

Add 5# / set

No cycling bar-all singles

Focus on speed and form
5 x 3

6 x 1

Build over sets

Categories: WOD

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