

Painful Eight In House Competition! August 6th! Sign up now – registration will close on June 30th! Use the link and select the Painful Eight Competition
4th of July – WE ARE CLOSED! Go have some fun with your families, I know we will be!

BCF Main – CrossFit

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Main WOD

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Working at 80% effort

40 min of

400m run

500m row

10 squat clean thrusters – start at a moderate/light weight and add over sets….all reps should be drop n go, no excessive waiting

You can do 30 min @ 80% and do

sit up / V-up / TTB

Accessory Work

Bulgarian Split Squats (3 x 8/leg @ BW or BW + 1/4)

Metcon (Time)

50 sit ups

50 V-ups

50 TTB

Categories: WOD