
Main – CrossFit

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Main WOD

M-1: Metcon (Time)

200m run
15 DL @ 155/105
12 box jumps 24/20
4 rounds for time

M-1: Kettlebell Snatch (3 x 10 @ AHAP w/good form)


A: CrossOver Symmetry (1 x 8)


B: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)

Tempo/Recovery Run (70-75% effort)

25 Minutes of:
10 Light KB Swings
10 AbMat Sit Ups
20 Speed Step Jump Rope
100 M Run
100 M Walk

Competition WOD

C-1: Front Squat (3 x 85% / 3 x 90% / 3 x 95% / 3 x100%)

Based off of your 5RM

C-2: Back Squat (5 x 75% / 5 x 85% / 5 x 90%)

Based off of your 5 RM

C-3: Shoulder Press (5 x 40% / 5 x 50%)

Based off of 1 RM jerk

C-4: Push Press (3 x 60% / 3 x 65% / 3 x 70%)

Based off of 1 RM jerk

C-5: Dips (3 x max ( no more than 20))

C-6: Barbell bicep curl (3 x 8 AHAP)

Work the peak!!

C-7: Back extensions (3 x 15 (squeeze at top))

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