BCF Main – CrossFit
Main WOD
A: Front Squat (To a box, 4 x 10 @ 50%)
B: Metcon (2 Rounds for time)
10m OH walk lunge 95/65
10 burpee over bar
10m OH lunge back
10 wall ball heavy 25/16
Rest 2-3 min ,
2 sets
C: Pavel complex (5 sets)
Work on your progression
Competition WOD
A: Clean and Jerk (Build to a 1RM in 20 min)
B: Front Squat (Build to a 1RM in 15 min)
C: Pull-ups (1 max set any type)
D: Metcon (Calories)
Max cal AD in 10 min
S-A: Deadlift (Deadlift 55%x5 65%x5 75%x5 55% 10×5 reps)
S-: Metcon (Weight)
Front Squat 5×5; rest 2 minutes AHAP (as heavy as possible) Heavier than last time
Romanian Deadlifts 4×10; rest 60 seconds Light to Mderate Load Heavier than last time
5 sets:
15 Back Extensions; rest 30 seconds
30 Hollow Rocks:
rest 30 seconds Heavier than last time