
Beaverton Strength and Conditioning – CrossFit

Main WOD

A: Push Press (75%x5x5)

B: Metcon (4 Rounds for calories)

4 Rounds

:90sec of work

Perform every 4 minutes

15 WB unbroken 20/14

10 Toes to bar

Max Cal Row in remaining time


WB 30/20

Score = Max Cals each round

C: Metcon (Calories)


4 Rounds

:20 on :60 off

​​​​​​​Max Cal Bike

Rx+ Assault Bike
If time allows, otherwise perform as acc.

Accessory Work

A: Clean and Jerk 21s (Add 5#)

Start at 40% and add 5# each set – focus on speed and form

Extra work

A: Back Squat (Build to a heavy 3 rep in 15 min)

B: Snatch (Reps as follows)

Every 30s until fail

Snatch x 1 rep

Add 5# each set

Rest 5 min , then re start

Starting weight – 135/95

Categories: WOD

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