4th of July

Main – CrossFit

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Main WOD

Metcon (Time)

6 rounds of
800m run
5 box jumps 30/24
5 dead lifts 315/225
5 MU (15 C2B )
45 min time cap….scale to finish


A: Paused Back Squat (3 RM)

Back squat with a pause in the bottom position.
5 second pause in the bottom on final rep.

B: Front Rack Walking Lunge (5 x 7 (Each leg))

Walking lunge with weight held in front rack position.

C: Snatch Grip RDL (1 x 20 @ 40-50% DL 1 RM)

RDL from snatch grip width.

D: Glute-Ham Raises (4 x Maintainable reps)

E: Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)

3 Rounds of:
5-10 Suitcase Deadlift (Each side)
15 Hanging Leg Raises
30-60 Bent Hollow, Straddle Hollow or Hollow Rocks
*Rest 1-2 Min between rounds.

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