10/29 – 9:30 AM Halloween WOD – costumes required! 🙂 – NO 7 AM or 8:15 AM
11/4 – BCF Bowling Night – 7 to 9 PM @ Sunset Lanes – sign up w/ Mel!
11/05 – Saturday classes – BRING A FRIEND
12/4 – 7th Annual Wishing on a WOD
BCF Main – CrossFit
Main WOD
A1: Bench Press (3 x 6 , add 10-20#)
A2: Bar Dips (3 x 8-10 @ 31X1 super set w/bench)
Dips on a static bar.
B: Metcon (Time)
50 TTB
25 thrusters 115/75
30 TTB
15 thrusters
10 TTB
5 thrusters
Competition WOD
A: Metcon (Time)
30 cal row
15 strict press 115/75
30 cal row
15 HSPU-strict as possible
30 cal row
15 ring dips 35/20#
For time
B: Metcon (4 Rounds for time)
Working @ 85% effort
Goal is continuous movement and UB sets
4 sets each for times
20/15 cal AB
10 deadlift 275/205
15 TTB
Rest 3 min b/t
C: Front Squat (3 x 5 @ 32X1 AHAP w/good tempo)
Accessory Work
AA: DB Row (1 arm DB row x 12 @ 21X1 , heavy)
3 sets each side
Super set with 50 Russian twists w/medball
Rest 2-3 min b/t sets
AB: DB Bench Press (1 arm DB bench x 8/arm tough)
Hold 2 DBs
Do 8 alternating reps per arm