BCF Main – CrossFit
Main WOD
A: Clean complex 2 (EMOM 8 x 1 set , build over sets)
1 power clean
1 hang clean
1 clean
B: Split Jerk (From rack , build to a heavy 2 rep in 15 min)
C: Metcon (Time)
50 strict pull ups for time
Each time you break, do 5 burpees
Time cap – 8 min
Competition WOD
A: Metcon (Weight)
Complex as follows
Every 2 min for 30 min
1 power clean – drop
1 clean
2 front squats
1 push jerk
1 split jerk
B: Metcon (3 Rounds for time)
3 sets of
500m row
10 TTB
As fast as possible
Each set for time
Rest 3 min b/t sets