

Bring A Friend!
February 2nd
CrossFit – 7:00, 9:45, 11:15
Bulldog Burn – 8:30

February 3rd
Downward Dog Yoga – 9:15

Have your friends use this link to sign up!

Beaverton Strength and Conditioning – CrossFit

A: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Happy Birthday Coach Hayley!!


2 cleans – 135/95 and build each set

4 ring/bar MU – 8 pull up/8 push up

19 cal bike

95 single unders

Extra work

A: Snatch 21s (Fast and light -focus is form)

Start cycle at 40% max

Add 5# / set

No cycling bar-all singles

Focus on speed and form
5 x 3

6 x 1

Categories: WOD

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