Beaverton Strength and Conditioning – CrossFit
A: Metcon (No Measure)
3 sets not for time of
5 strict pull ups
5 -1 arm KB thrusters – moderate
15/12 cal bike – hard
B: Fran (Time)
Thrusters, 95# / 65#
C: Back Squat (3 x 3 , 80% +)
Competition WOD
A: Clean/Jerk BB warm up (1 X)
Complete complex 2 Xs through with an empty bar
Clean high pull from hip x 6
Power clean from knee x 6
Clean from knee x 6
Power jerk x 6
Split jerk x 6
B: Clean and Jerk (Build to 80%)
Every 90s for 15 min
Start at 80%
Add each set
C: Metcon (Time)
Heavy Fran
15-12-9 of
Thrusters 135/95
Pull ups 45/25
Accessory Work
A: Metcon (No Measure)
3 sets of
8/leg of OH lunges w/KBs
Rest 1 min
8-12 strict TTB
Rest 1 min