Main – CrossFit
Main WOD
W-1: Skill NFT (No Measure)
3 rounds not for time of
15 T2B
50 DUs
3-5 MU
8-12 pistols
M-1: Metcon (Weight)
EMOM 8 of
3 dead lift 275/195
M-2: Metcon (Time)
30-20-10 of
Power snatch 75/55
8 min cap
Add 1 sec for each rep not done
This is meant to be fast/light….scale to
accomplish this
Competition WOD
C-1: Skill – dip (No Measure)
3 sets not for time
10 ring dips
15 T2B
20 alt pistols
40 DUs
12 min max
C-2: Back Squat (5 x 10 ; build over sets ; rest 1 min b/t; fast)
C-3: Clean and Jerk complex 2 (Build to a heavy-ish in 15 min)
1 PC
2 SJ
C-4: Metcon (No Measure)
2k cool down row, focus on easy consistent stroke rate
S-A: Back Squat (Back Squat 2xAMRAP @85%; rest 5 minutes)
S-B: Bulgarian Split Squats (Bulgarian Split Squat 4×8; rest 90 seconds AHAP (a)
S-C: Jumping Back Squats (Jumping Back Squats 5×10 @25% 1RM; rest 1 minute)
S-D: Ab Wheel Roll Outs (Ab wheel roll-outs 5×10; rest 60 seconds)
*From knees or feet. Choose the hardest difficulty for number of reps.
**Use a wall as a stop for scaling.