Main – CrossFit
Main WOD
W: Metcon (No Measure)
800m run @ 75%
A: Pull up / dip pregression (Pavel / dip progression)
10 min to work on your progression
B: Back Squat (3 x 10 @ 50% ; fast down and up)
C: Metcon (3 Rounds for time)
30 cal x 3 ; rest 3 b/t
Competition WOD
A: Back Squat (Complete sets as follows)
75% x 5 , 80% x 4 , 85% x 3 , 90%+ x 2
Rest 3 b/t
B: Front Squat (2 x 10 @ 60-65%)
C: Metcon (Time)
2 rounds @ 85% effort
50 cal row
40 KB swings full 53/35
30 HSPU kip
20 burpee box jump 24/20
10 hang power cleans 165/115
Focus is moving effeciently through each movement , rest b/t moves as much as possible instead of during sets
S-: Back Squat (S-A. Back Squat 55%x5 65%x5 75%xAMRAP 55% 5×10)
S-B: Skater squats (S-B. Skater Squats 5×5/side; rest 90 seconds )
5 x 5 / side
S-: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
HIGH Box Jumps 5×5; rest 60 seconds
Hollow Rock x 90 seconds; rest 60 seconds