Schedule changes starting June 15th!
5:30 AM Class – NEW
6:30 AM Class – NEW
10:30 Teen Class – NEW
Thursdays – 6:30 PM Class – Canceled
Questions grab a coach or Mel!
BCF Main – CrossFit
Main WOD
A: Metcon (Time)
Capacity test
Give 100% effort
250m row
15 Burpees
25 Full OH KB swings 70/53
15 Burpees
250m row
B: Deadlift (3 x 4 ; add 5-10#)
C: Pavel complex (Start a new cycle)
Work on your progression
Competition WOD
A: Metcon (Time)
Capacity Test
Give 100%
250m row
15 burpee
25 KB swing 70/53
15 burpee
250m row
B: DB hang snatch (4 x 1 AHAP)
1 arm at a time
C1: Close Grip Bench Press (6-4-3-2-1-6 ,super set with B2)
Bench press with grip close to or inside the smooth of the barbell.
C2: Chin Up (6-4-3-2-1-6 AHAP)
Palms facing you.
S-A: Back Squat (Back Squat 60%x5 70%x5 80%xAMRAP 60% 3 xAMRAP)
S-: Metcon (Weight)
S-B. 5 sets
Weighted Walking Lunges x 20 steps; rest 90 seconds AHAP (Heavier than last week)
S-C. 6 sets
Weighted Back Extensions x 20 reps; rest 60 seconds
*add weight
Dragon Flags x AMRAP in 5 minutes; rest 60 seconds