Main – CrossFit
M-0: Metcon (No Measure)
In honor of our long time friend Lincoln, we name today’s WOD ” King Linconius”….we are sad to see Lincoln go but a new chapter calls and he is moving on to better and bigger things….you will be missed brother….
M-1: Metcon (No Measure)
1000m row @ 80%
20 GHD sit ups
M-2: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
5 min max rep thruster 115/75
4 min max rep pull ups
3 min max rep power snatch 95/65
2 min max rep burpees
1 min max rep T2B
M-3: Metcon (Time)
As a 3-4 person team complete the following….
50 cal row
50 wall ball
50 GHD / V-ups
50 box jump overs 24/20