Main – CrossFit
Main WOD
M-1: Dips (3 x 8 ; rest 2 b/t ; weighted if possible)
M-2: GHD Situps (3 x 10 ; rest 2 b/t)
M-3: 800m Run (Time)
Max Effort 800m Run
M-4: Pull-ups (3 x max rep)
Competition WOD
C-1: week 6 day 3
Do either part 1 OR 2….not both
So metcon or weight lift
C-2: Row/du/burpee/mu (Time)
3 sets each for times of
1000m row
50 DUs
35 KB swing
20 burpee over rower
5 bar MU
SW-Wu: (No Measure)
Paused squat box jumps – 3 x 5
*Perform just like the paused back squats.
SW-A: Paused Back Squat (5 RM (5 second pause in bottom on last rep))
Back squat with a pause in the bottom position.
*3-5 heavy sets.
**Explode out of the hole as fast as possible.
SW-B: Front Rack Forward Alternating Lunge (4 x 8 Each Leg)
In place forward lunge with weight in front rack.
SW-C: Snatch Grip RDL (1 x 20 AFAP & unbroken)
RDL from snatch grip width.
*Use about 40% of DL 1RM.
**Use straps if possible.
***Goal is under 30 sec, once you achieve that with a weight, move up in weight.
SW-D: Glute-Ham Raises (3 sets of maintainable reps)
SW-E: Metcon (Time)
4 Rounds for time and quality of:
5 GHD Twists (Each Side)
*Hold medball or slam ball in front of you.
10 Ab Wheel Roll Outs
15 Reverse Sit ups (Floor leg lifts with low back pressed against the ground)