Main – CrossFit
Main WOD
W: Metcon (No Measure)
800m run @ 75%
A: Deadlift (3 x 10 @ 50%)
B: Thruster (EMOM 6 x 5 reps ; AHAP ; building)
C: Snatch complex 2 (Build for 12 min)
1 hang power snatch
1 OH squat
1 Full snatch
Competition WOD
A: Snatch (Reps and sets as follows)
65% x 3 , 70% x 3 x 2 set , 75% x 3 x 2 set , 80% x 1 x 4 set
B: Clean and Jerk (Reps same as A , add 1 jerk each set)
C: Skill work
Take 15 min and work on HSPU , MU , Bar MU , BF pull up , etc
D: Metcon (Time)
800m run x 2 @ 85% ; rest 1:1
S-A: Deadlift (S-A. Deadlift 55%x5 65%x5 75%x5 55% 5×10 reps; )
S-B: Front Squat (S-B. Front Squat 10×2; rest 2-3 minutes AHAP (as)
S-B: EMOM 10 MInutes 5 Front Squats (Weight)
EMOM 10 MInutes 5 Front Squats
S-C: S-C. Hang Clean x 1 Rep Every Minute On the MInute for 15 minutes *Light weight working on technique (Weight)
S-D: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
5 sets:
90 Second Hollow Rocks; rest 20 seconds
15 Ring Rows @30X0; rest 40 seconds