
BCF Main – CrossFit

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Main WOD

A: Push Press (EMOM 5 x 3 reps moderate)

B: Half Eva (Time)

400m run

15 KB swings

15 pull ups


Competition WOD

A: Upper body warm up 1 (No Measure)

a. 5 min easy Row/Bike/Run

b. Foam Roll and Stretch Tight Areas

c. 2×10 Wall Slides (Y’s, arms out at 45 degrees) *You may also use Crossover symmetry for C and D

d. 2×10 Seated External Rotation w/ elbow on Knee

e. 2×20 Band Pull Aparts

f. 2×5 Clapping Pushups (As high as possible)

B: Clean (1 clean + 1 front squat, build to 80% max)

C: Bench Press (5 x 2 @ 85/90/92/95/95% )

D: Metcon (No Measure)

400m x 2 @ 1 mile pace

Rest 45s b/t

200m x 2 w/200m recovery jog

200m x 2 @ Sp-2 w/200m recovery jog

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