November 2011

Stewart Horner – 

Congrats Tom Stewart Horner for being Athlete of the Month for November!!  Stewart has been hitting it hard and it is paying off…we have seen Stewarts Oly lifts get better, conditioning go up and get his pullups!  Stewarts hard work, consistency and 100% effort are the reasons he has come so far.  We all enjoy having Stewart in class and look forward to lots of good training in the future.  Make sure to say HI when you see him and follow his example.


Having worked for Nike for 11 years, but hardly ever worked out my entire life, I felt the time was right for me to get into shape, by shape I mean a shape that isn’t typically English ( No shoulders no arm shape, no chest, all hunched over a big beer belly and 7 chins ).  My wife Lauren started at BCF 6 months ago because our good friend owns LAX cross fit in Los Angeles. She loved it and after a couple of months of nagging ( not really more like gentle persuasion ) I made a decision to I would try it out.  If I liked it I would commit and set a goal.  Well, I tried it and hated it. I almost threw up on my 1st day, but persevered because everyone around was so supportive, Shelly was great encouraged me to keep it up. My wife was thrilled I had given it a go. I came back the next day, and the next and so on. Before long I would feel terrible if I didn’t go. I decided on my goal, To be  fitter at 42 than I was at 22 and to work out 4-5 times a week. Three months in and I feel stronger than ever, fitter than ever and more motivated than ever. I love that every day I am surrounded by girls & women who kick my arse on every WOD, 15 year old boys who can lift more than I can, older men who can run faster and further than I can. And Bryan who’s half my age and telling me what to do ! What a way to keep motivated. Cross Fit has truly changed my life I was welcomed into a community of like minded people with focus and will to be the best they can be. Mike & Christine run a great ship and should be proud of what they have started here in sunny old Beaverton. I may never be able to do muscle ups, complete Fran RX in 5 min’s or run a 5 min mile, but 3 months ago I said that about doing a strict pull up and rope climbs …  I’ll keep on trying to get there. And if you see me and I’m not trying give me hell.

“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” George Bernard Shaw 1925.



October 2011

Lisa has been a consistent athlete at BCF for a while now.  As an athlete and a person I have seen Lisa make huge gains.  Training transfers to life…so when you build confidence at the box you become more confident in life.  Lisa has done some amazing things so far like climbing the rope (huge gain), getting better at Oly lifts, and being as strong as she has ever been.  I look forward to training with Lisa and watching her progress throughout the months to come…make sure to say HI to Lisa when you see her!

-Mike Ford 

I joined BCF almost 2 years ago after hearing my work colleagues talk about it incessantly and figured I should check it out as well.  Having been a devoted gym rat for 20 years I thought that I was pretty strong for a girl…..until I was introduced to CrossFit. Besides getting through the last 4 miles of a Marathon, I haven’t experienced anything else as mentally or physically challenging as the CrossFit WOD’s, and yet I love every heart stopping, gut-wrenching minute of it.

I would normally have been very intimidated by the Olympic lifting and intense workouts, however from day one, the people I met in class were so motivating  that it helped me lift heavier, go faster, push harder and forget the pain.  Being a part of such a wonderful community of driven, passionate and inspiring people has brought me great joy.

I have many goals yet to reach but when I lift just a little more than last time, figure out the rhythm of DU’s or climb the rope without fear, the exhilarating feeling of accomplishment just pushes me to fight harder.  Thanks to BCF I am starting to believe in myself and my abilities, and have become a stronger person inside and out.

-Lisa  Curtis


September 2011

Congrats to Chelsea on 6 months hard work!! I have seen huge gains in strength, ROM, and overall conditioning.

Chelsea is consistent and trains hard every time she comes in the door. She also likes extra work to do outside BCF, like speed work at the track to improve her running.

Keep up the great work Chelsea!! – Mike 

I stumbled upon CrossFit while trying to overcome a bit of a lull with my regular workout routine.  I exercised through sports growing up, and then consistently as an adult, but with that consistency I had to add more time to my workouts to get the same results.  With four kids and an already busy schedule, finding additional time to exercise was becoming a struggle.   I heard about CrossFit in a class at the gym and looked up the closest one to me.  I feel SO lucky it happened to be Beaverton Crossfit.  I was addicted on my first workout.   Though I was super nervous to walk into a gym of so many fit people, I was warmly welcomed by everyone there.  I was fairly new to weight lifting at the time (and was brand new to everything else “Crossfit”), but I never felt intimidated or judged by my lack of skill.  Everyone at BCF has been very helpful, informative and patient as I work towards my goals.

Crossfit is addictive.  I am not sure if it is the encouraging and knowledgeable coaches, or the comradery of hard work, or the competitive nature of the WOD’s, but I am hooked.  I feel a great sense of pride after every workout.  “Did I really just do that?”  And that pride takes me through the rest of the day, knowing that if I can run with a 30 pound sand bag around my neck and keep going even though I kind of want to die, or survive round 8 of wall ball tabatas, I can pretty much do ANYTHING.

Thanks to all the team at BCF for pushing me beyond what I ever thought I’d be capable of physically and especially for pulling me out of the treadmill and spin class doldrums! 


July 2011

Marcus Mueller 

Marcus has seen some serious bumps in the road health wise and is back at full speed ahead. Marcus is always willing to get it done with no complaints, and finishes each WOD with a great attitude. Thanks to Marcus for teaching us about perseverance and motivation!!  – Mike

I’ve participated in sports and exercise most of my life.  Over the years, I became bored with the traditional workouts and fell into the trap of working out less and making poor health decisions.  Little by little, I became the guy who needed bigger pants, a longer belt, and was dissatisfied with my overall health decisions.  Long story short, I had surrounded myself with people who weren’t interested in their health and neither was I.  Eating whatever I wanted, drinking way too much, and not exercising became my norm,  I knew my lifestyle needed to change and change quickly. 

A fellow coworker had been participating in CrossFit for about a year and I saw the dramatic change it had made for him.  Erik encouraged me to try CrossFit, several times, and this past fall  I finally made the decision to give it a go and let me tell you, what a good decision it was and continues to be.  For me, I had challenges both inside and outside the box and the people of CrossFit helped me through these daily challenges.  CrossFit became and is my new outlet and has changed my life.  I cannot began to express my gratitude to Mike, Christine, Shelly, Andy and Bryan.   All of you at the box at one time or another has encouraged me and pushed me, helping me to be in the best physical condition of my life.  I will tell you my cardio and strength are both the best they’ve ever been but most importantly CrossFit has helped me surround myself with healthy, goal oriented, determined people.  I cannot say enough good things about my experience and look forward to the upcoming challenges and friendships.

I feel blessed to be a part of the Beaverton CrossFit group and am grateful to all of you.  Now, NMFA and go GET SOME!!



April 2011

Colleen T

If I had to describe myself before BCF, “athlete” would not have made the list.  “Full-time, working mom of two who hadn’t worked out in years” was more like it. 

My first trial class was a year ago and for the first 6 months, out of fear, I came on and off and never really committed.  I didn’t believe I could do this.  But 6 months ago I started coming for real (3-5x week) and focused on eating right. I felt stronger and better every week.  This past year I have lost 30 lbs and 3 pants sizes (more to go) and am surprising myself with what my body lets me do that my mind wouldn’t before.  My eldest started CrossFit Kids last month and I love that she now talks about being healthy, strong and fast … so great!

BCF truly changes lives.  I feel connected to a group of incredible people that do amazing things.  I am inspired and challenged everyday by each BCF athlete I meet (especially the ladies) and know this is a lifestyle I am committed to now and wouldn’t change for anything. Mike, Shelley, my honorary trainers, Steve and Jesse (and all the 8:30ers) … I can’t thank you enough for your support.  Looking forward to more fun to come!


January 2011

Rob D’Angelo 

Rob has been with BCF since the early garage days. Those were some nasty WODs he endured and kept coming back for more.

A true crossfitter for sure, Rob has shown great improvement over the past 2 years. From weight loss to stamina and strength to overall “Badassness”, Rob has made a great transformation. I truly enjoy having Rob a part of BCF as he shows up ready to work, gives 100% and never complains [out loud at least]. Rob also has something positive to say to all the other athletes around him.

I am looking forward to 2011 with Rob and his awesome attitude toward training and life. Great work Rob!


I started CrossFit training with my two sons about a year and a half ago in Mike Ford’s garage. My initial intention was to passively try it out for the summer and then head back to the local gym. I soon discovered there is nothing passive about doing Crossfit, and after the initial physical shock my body went through I became addicted to the intense, competitive, team training atmosphere that Beaverton CrossFit had to offer. Mike Ford is an extremely motivational trainer, I admire his sense of humor mixed with a no-nonsense drill instructor style. I have been very impressed with Mike and his staffs intense enthusiasm, and passion for getting the Beaverton CrossFit team fit.

I have enjoyed my experience at Beaverton CrossFit and think it is safe to say I am in the best shape of my life at the age of 42. I look forward to hitting some key personal goals in 2011 as we all strive to get “faster, tougher, stronger”!

Thank you Mike, Christine, Shelly and Andy.


Customer of the MonthJune

Mikey Sison

It's all about the people!

We are proud to announce that Mikey is our June 2020 Athlete of the Month!

Where were you in your fitness journey before BCF and where are you now? What were your goals when you started and have you achieved any of them?
I was coming back from a 2+ year hiatus from CrossFit when I joined BCF. It was a self-imposed hiatus out of a need to find balance - I was pushing myself much harder than my body, recovery and circumstances allowed for and I could not figure out how to dial it down to a healthy level. With my return to CF, I wanted to get back into this thing I loved so much, but stay in a healthy zone. I wanted to be able to do this on a sustainable level - I never wanted to "have to" break away from CrossFit again. Sure, I wanted to lift as heavy as I did before... but that came secondary to maintaining balance. I'm thrilled to say that, almost 3 years after I first walked into BCF's doors, I can confidently say that I've found that balance. Over that time, I've ramped up the frequency and intensity of my workouts all while staying within a sustainable pace (for me). I now say that I only workout as much as my recovery allows for - and sometimes that means I skip the WOD or I cut back on the weight on the bar. It's been such a great bonus too that I've beat almost all my pre-hiatus PRs!
What about BCF makes you keep coming back?
100% the community of owners, coaches and fellow members! I'll start with the table stakes... the heavy focus and priority on proper technique over the quantity of reps or weight on the bar. This is non-negotiable for me and I have visited a lot of other boxes to know that this is not always a priority. However, if that's all that was present, BCF would simply be a place to workout... it's not, it's so much more! The people who come are the special sauce - I love how we all support each other (whether in the form of cheers and positive words or in the way we jest with each other), build friendships, and share life outside the gym!
When/what was your “ah ha!” moment?
My biggest aha moment is in realizing that, while we can be in awe of other's progress and amazing feats, we must not measure our progress in comparison to theirs. We are all built differently, have different priorities, have different circumstances. This can be difficult when you are surrounded by so many strong and capable people. It's easy to be envious, frustrated by your "lower score"... but we are not competing against each other. We have our own personal journeys and are so blessed to have such a wonderful community to support us along the way!
Does anyone the gym (member or trainer) inspire you and why?
Honestly, everyone that walks in the BCF doors inspires me. The truth is that we are all putting in blood, sweat and tears (sometimes literally), regardless of where we are in our individual journeys. Everyone has their own story and their own set of challenges to work through... be it the newbie trying to figure out what all those acronyms mean, the person coming back from an injury, the one fighting through a plateau, the parent with young kids, the person with a stressful job, the athlete aspiring for a seat at the games, etc. The fact that we are all in there taking the steps to be better, healthier, stronger... that is inspiring!

Customer of the MonthMay

The Guevara Family

Family, Strength, Community

We are proud to announce the Guevara family are our May 2020 Athletes of the Month!

Where were you in your fitness journey before BCF and where are you now?
Aaron: I had been working out at home consistently for about 4 years doing P90X and other BeachBody workouts online. // // Sasha: Before my husband Aaron invited me to “Bring a Friend” day at BCF, I was a member of a Women’s MMA gym in South East Portland. Although I enjoyed the classes, it was too far away to attend more than once or twice a week. // // Ricardo: Before joining BCF I was really confused with what I wanted to do for exercise. In middle school, I did cross country and boxing, but neither of them really stuck with me. Now, after joining BCF, I’m really confident and happy with my choice in exercise. Crossfit is more of a fun activity for me than a “chore” or a “necessary activity”. // // Aaron Jr.: I wasn’t passionate about doing exercise and I never looked forward to it. But now, even during the zoom classes, I am “jacked up” for CrossFit.
What were your goals when you started and have you achieved any of them?
Aaron: My main goal was to improve my functional fitness and lose weight; I have definitely achieve those and many other positive changes like having a CrossFit community and improving my overall health. // // Sasha: My goal when starting at BCF was consistency and I have been achieving it since January! I have been attending 4-5 classes per week, which has helped me gain in both strength and endurance. // // Ricardo: When I started BCF, I was hoping to improve my overall health and learn new movements within CrossFit. I’ve certainly achieved both of them, as I feel a lot healthier and I’m getting a lot better at movements that before I was struggling with, like push jerks and overhead squats. Something really nice about doing CrossFit is that I can continue improving on both of my goals, and I'm excited to do that. // // Aaron Jr.: My goal was to get more fit, and I think I’m getting there.
What about BCF makes you keep coming back?
Aaron: The great workouts that Mike and Dawna put together for the community. I love how much I sweat and the overall state of my mental health after each workout that lasts throughout the day. Also, the great BCF community, especially the 6:30 AM class! // // Sasha: BCF has become an amazing experience for our whole family. All four of us have grown so much as individuals and as a fit family. I see our sons gaining confidence in their strength and abilities, and I’m so happy that for the first time in their lives they have found an exercise that they actually enjoy! I also so appreciate BCF’s rapid transformation to remote training. Lending out equipment and the daily Zoom classes have meant that our whole family is working as hard as ever in BCF workouts at home! // // Ricardo: 100% the community. Everyone I’ve met along the way in Beaverton Crossfit has been very kind to me, and has also been part of my improvement as an athlete. I can’t wait for quarantine to be over, so I can see the community face-to-face again. // // Aaron Jr.: I keep coming back because of the environment that Beaverton Crossfit has, and being able to have coaching.??
When/what was your “ah ha!” moment?
Aaron: Feeling happier in my life in general, more relaxed and better able to overcome the challenges that life presents. // // Sasha: My “ah ha” moment was seeing how happy and sweaty the boys came home from their classes, and how doing such a hard workout each day improves the positivity and mental health of our whole family. // // Ricardo: I got injured right when my mom and brother began on-boarding, and I missed out on months of CrossFit. Every day after class, my family would be talking about the work out, and I would be really confused why they enjoyed it so much. It's working out! However, when I did on-boarding with Matt, I realized how much fun CrossFit was and I completely changed my attitude about the sport. // // Aaron Jr.: Learning to Split Jerk and Rope climb.
Does anyone at the gym (member or trainer) inspire you and why?
Aaron: Mike Ford and Sasha DeSilva have inspired me to be better and happier. Mike is a great coach in and out of the gym, as well as he gave me a great diet that I will do for the rest of my life. Sasha is very supportive and always helps me improve my performance. In addition, Colleen and Jesse are some of the nicest people you will ever meet, very supportive and kind. // // Sasha: I am inspired by all of the coaches at BCF and how each one has created a connection and bond with a different member of our family ! I love how the coaches balance encouragement with a push to improve, both supporting where we’re at and challenging us to move forward. I am especially grateful to Dawna for her kindness and encouragement from the very start of Bull Dog Burn and to Colleen for her infectious positivity! I am also inspired by my husband Aaron for his dedication and leading the whole family into the CrossFit endeavor! // // Ricardo: Everyone in BCF inspires me. Seeing everyone try their hardest and keep a positive attitude in the CrossFit classes is very inspiring. Matt, who gave me a one-on-one on boarding, is someone who inspires me a lot. He has taught me so much about CrossFit, from difficult weight lifting movements to pacing. Jesse has also been an amazing mentor in this process, he is the first person I met in BCF. He has helped me improve in every aspect of my athletic ability. // // Aaron Jr.: My inspirations are Matt and Jesse. Matt inspires me because I can always go up to him with any questions, and he helps me a lot. Jesse inspires me because he is the first coach I ever met and he’s taught me a lot of what I know.

Customer of the MonthApril

The BSC Community

Bulldog Strong

We are blown away by the support and commitment from our amazing community! The BCF family is stronger than ever. The current situation may not be ideal but look at all of you making it work and continuing on your fitness journey. You are all athletes of the month!! We will persevere and we will NOT lose our gains instead we will continue to add to them. We can’t wait to see you all in the box again hopefully sooner than later.